Blog Post #3

 Eight Values of Free Expression 

By: Trinity Church

   The value of free expression that feels most important to me most would have to be Individual Self-Fulfillment. The reason being it allows for me to be able to express myself whether that be by speech or appearance. Individual Self-Fulfillment allows me to speak on topics that I am passionate about, such as making comments on a social media post, protesting, or speaking out about topics in which I would like to express my opinion on.  This value of free expression allows me to wear what I want, express my emotion through clothing and appearance, and not be condemned for doing so.  I am satisfied with this by knowing that I am legally allowed to express myself however I'd like to.  Without Individual Self-Fulfillment no one would be able to speak their mind which means people would be out of jobs like news reporters, bloggers, and social media influencers. A lot of people rely on new reporters and bloggers to get their information about what is going on in the media. 

    Stable Change is a free expression that is one of the most active in todays society because of all the recent protests in 2020-2021 with issues within the government, an example being police brutality. This free expression allows society to peaceful protest what they feel is important to them and be protected while doing so. Although there has been an uproar of violence during many protests recently, it is still shown that the stable change free expression is in effect. When violence erupts during these protests enforcement is used to disengage the outbreaks and protect those who are rightfully protesting peacefully.


    The free expression that feels personal to me is protect dissent. This free expression feels most important to me because it allows me to have my own view of the government and coincide with whichever government action I agree or disagree with. With this free expression I believe that society can come together in groups based upon their views on certain government actions taken. I feel this is most important to me because the government gets to decide what the citizens within society are aloud to do, so the citizens should be aloud to have a say about the decisions made for them.

   The free expression to promote innovation resonates to me the most. Knowing that my voice of opinion is valued and protected within my community allows me to engage in conversations and topics in which I would like to express myself. With the free expression to promote innovation feel motivated by knowing that I am able to involve myself and other in groups in which we can express ourselves in whichever way for fulfillment.

     With all this being said I can conclude that the eight free expressions are very important to society. These free expressions create an environment where people are aloud to voice their opinions, express themselves, and not be punished for doing so. Without these free expressions I believe people would feel trapped and unable to express themselves for who they want to be.
