Blog Post #4

 EOTO: What I learned 

By: Trinity Church 

    Throughout this presentation I learned many Interesting facts about the television and its impacts on society.  The television is one of the most uses electronics in this day and age. However television weren't always as advanced as they are today. The first television was created in 1927 and could only produce 200-400 lines of resolution.  Being that they only used to display 200-400 lines, it is quite evident how much televisions have advanced.  Televisions are now able to display 8k resolution, a great improvement since their creation.  By the 1960's the first television satellite became available, creating an uproar in the television market.  Upon the release of the satellite millions of homes owned a television.  With popularity increasing and sales rising, competition between different television companies began.  This competition led to many more advances in the televisions, one being the concept for color tv being introduced.  The first idea for color television was introduced in 1925, but not fully distributed until 1966.  The invention of the television allowed the public access to news outlets and entertainment.  One major step provided by televisions was the broadcast of the moon landing in 1969.  This broadcast had over 600 million viewers.  Seeing that number shows how fast the popularity of televisions arose considering that only 6 years prior there were just a few million people who possessed one.  

    Provided that televisions gave people access to news about the world around them, many major events were broadcasted.  The first broadcasted presidential debate happened in 1960, giving people the opportunity to watch Kennedy and Nixon.  One of the most memorable moments was broadcasted as well, the assassination of JFK aired live in 1963.  During an age of concern and war, television broadcasted in depth coverage of the Vietnam War.  The last major event listed upon the timeline is the attack of the Twin Towers.  While broadcasting coverage of an uprising of terrorist threats, two planes were caught on live television going through the Twin Towers in 2001.  It is stated that in this current time period 99% of homes in the United states own at least one television, while 66% own at least three.  

In this presentation I learned how quickly televisions gained popularity and their effects on culture, politics, consumerism, religion, social class, and the world we live in.  Seeing and reading this information has aloud me to understand how much of a role television has played a role throughout history.  It also helped me learn that Television majorly helps keep society informed and entertained.  I now realize that without televisions existed, people would truly be missing out on the important things going on around them.  Knowing that televisions host broadcast that inform the nation makes me realize that in a way they keep people safe by allowing them to know the emergencies and crisis in which surrounds them.  The statistic pertaining to the percentage of Americans that own a television stuck out to me as an interesting fact, showing me the amount of people who have access to the information provided.
