Blog Post #5

 Hiding Secrets!

By: Trinity Church

 As we all know by now the government lies and keeps extremely important information from us. One of the things they like to keep out of the public eye is what the government is doing regarding the war as well as what they are doing regarding the connections we have with other countries. What you don't see in the mainstream media is how our government is breaking its own laws and how much debt they are in. By the end of 2021, the federal government has $23.43 trillion in federal debt. The government tries to silence the voices of the people who speak out about the war and what's really going on. The people that are speaking out about the war want us to know how much danger the government is putting our country in. 


     The government only publishes what they think we should know and are keeping things that are important like the danger of our country out of the public eye. One of the reasons that people are speaking out against the war is because the government is using their federal taxes for the wrong things such as weapons for war when we are already in debt. After reviewing the websites it is obvious that the government sees no problem with what they are doing because they have been doing it for years. They will continue to silence the voices that have a different view than them and that speak out about the war. Something that we can take away from all of this is that what you see in the mainstream media is just a distraction from what's really going on in the government and around us.  The government is filtering what is shared in the news and getting away with these things with a simple slap on the wrist. 
