Blog Post #7

 Are You Ever Really Alone?

By: Trinity Church 

In today's society technology is one of the most important things, you don't go a day without using some sort of technology. You use your computer to research information and write emails, you use your phones to communicate and look through social media, and you use your car to get from point A to point B. It's mind blowing how much of an impact technology has on us and how much it helps us in a way. Some of the things that I failed to mention is how technology can also be watching you and keeping track of all your information... 

One of the TedTalk videos that really caught my attention is Your online life, permanent as a tattoo. I found it interesting how Juan Enriquez connects tattoos to different social media platforms. He raises the question if all of these platforms you use everyday can turn out to be electronic tattoos. I think technology has had an extreme impact on me and the people around me. One reason being that everything I have ever sent, posted, commented on, shared, etc can be tracked and is never actually gone away. What we put out there for people to see is permanent just like a tattoo is. It's scary to think that what I texted or sent to someone can be found and seen again even after it's been gone for a while. It really makes you think about what you should post and send because you would never want to put something out there that can be found by a professor or a boss that you wouldn't show them directly. In this instance technology could ruin your life if you did put something out there or someone else did about you and the wrong person got their hands on it. 

Another reason technology can be a scary place is because it's watching you. The government for example tracks what you're looking up, sending in emails, buying, etc. I don't think the government would be any help because they are the main ones that are tracking your every move. As Christopher Soghoian talked about in his TedTalk video the government is frustrated because they are having a more difficult time hacking into certain platforms that we use. Some ways I think we can protect ourselves like we discussed in class is making sure we have a fake email account. We need to make sure that we aren't giving out our personal information such as our phone number, our real email account, etc. Another big thing we need to do is when signing up for different things is to make sure we read the agreements and actually see what we're agreeing to. 
