Final Blog Post

My relationship with Technology

By: Trinity Church

I started my relationship with technology at a very young age. I have a love-hate relationship and here are some reasons as to why. Technology is one thing that can become extremely time consuming. There are times where I don't think my relationship with technology is healthy. For example I do fall into the category of comparing myself to others on social mediaOne second you are casually on social media looking through your feed and you see a pretty person, you click on their page and go through it. You think nothing of it at the time but then you start wanting to look like them down to the T and before you even realize it you are obsessed with looking like someone on social media. Another thing that I don't think is healthy is how many hours I spend on different apps such as TikTok or Instagram. You say to yourself that you're taking a break from doing homework or studying to get on your phone and then the next thing you realize is 3 hours have gone by. I 100% think that technology is taking a lot of my time up and it affects me in the long run.

On the other hand I don't think technology is the worst thing in the world. Technology has played a big part in my life and many others. We use technology everyday. Even though technology can become addicting it's something I enjoy being a part of. I enjoy going on Facebook or Instagram and seeing pictures of my friends or family pop up. I enjoy being about to write an email and click send. I enjoy being able to post what I want out there. Technology is like another different little world and at times you can get wrapped up in it. No, it isn't a bad thing all the time! I enjoy technology and social media so much that's what my major in college is based off of. I one day hope to work for different platforms on social media.

It is hard to say whether or not technology is making me smarter or misleading me. In my opinion technology does both. Google is everyone's best friend, however not everything online is true. Of course maybe the homework answer you looked up was true but things that are talking about certain topics aren't always true. It has happened to me before when I looked something up and it gave me misleading information however I think anything can give you misleading information. Whether that be google, newspaper, tv, etc. I think society has accepted that not everything we read is true and it also taught us not to believe everything we see. Some of the things you see online today are bias and filtered, these articles you see don't give you all the details or facts.


I think the relationship that my friends and family have with technology is positive. We all like to share pictures and funny posts. I get to see pictures of my friends and family traveling and doing different things in their life. I get to reconnect with old friends and family members that I haven't talked to in a while. Technology can even help you find friends and family that you forgot even existed. Since my parents and grandparents are older I don't feel like technology affects nearly as much as the younger generations. My grandparents for example, don't have a single social media account on anything. They never have to worry about feeding into the "body image" or bullying that's going on online. 


If someone was to go to google today and look up "Trinity Church" the only thing that would come up is churches near them in the area and pictures of actual churches. Shout out to my dad for the last name. On a real note I don't think anyone would want someone to see anything they have done in their life if it's bad. My parents and people around me have always told me since I was young to watch what you post and don't post something you wouldn't want the world to see. No one is perfect and everyone makes a post, comment, or shares a picture that they regret. 
