
Showing posts from November, 2021

Blog Post #4

 EOTO: What I learned  By: Trinity Church      Throughout this presentation I learned many Interesting facts about the television and its impacts on society.   The television is one of the most uses electronics in this day and age. However television weren't always as advanced as they are today. The first television was created in 1927 and could only produce 200-400 lines of resolution.  Being that they only used to display 200-400 lines, it is quite evident how much televisions have advanced.  Televisions are now able to display 8k resolution, a great improvement since their creation.  By the 1960's the first television satellite became available, creating an uproar in the television market.  Upon the release of the satellite millions of homes owned a television.  With popularity increasing and sales rising, competition between different television companies began.  This competition led to many more advances in the televisions, one being the concept for color tv being introduc

Blog Post #3

 Eight Values of Free Expression  By: Trinity Church     The value of free expression that feels most important to me most would have to be Individual Self-Fulfillment. The reason being it allows for me to be able to express myself whether that be by speech or appearance. Individual Self-Fulfillment allows me to speak on topics that I am passionate about, such as making comments on a social media post, protesting, or speaking out about topics in which I would like to express my opinion on.  This value of free expression allows me to wear what I want, express my emotion through clothing and appearance, and not be condemned for doing so.  I am satisfied with this by knowing that I am legally allowed to express myself however I'd like to.  Without Individual Self-Fulfillment no one would be able to speak their mind which means people would be out of jobs like news reporters, bloggers, and social media influencers. A lot of people rely on new reporters and bloggers to get their informa

Blog Post #2

  Supreme Court  By: Trinity Church                                  The Supreme Court was established in 1989 by Article Three of the U.S. Constitution. The Supreme Court is the highest federal court in the country and the head of the judicial branch of government. To my surprise even though the court had its first meeting on February 1, 1970, they didn't actually hear any cases in its first term. For more than 100 years after the foundation of the Supreme Court, the justices were required to hold circuit court twice a year in each judicial circuit.  Though the first court comprised of six justices, Congress altered the number of Supreme Court seats. Before 1869 Congress changed the number of justices   to achieve its own partisan political goals, resulting in as few as five Supreme Court justices required by law under John Adams and to as many as 10 under Abraham Lincoln. In 1869, Congress set the number of seats to nine, where it has remained until today. As of January 2021, 11

Blog Post #1

  5 Reliable News Sources By Trinity Church                             T rying to find reliable news sources you can count on can be hard at times. There is a lot of fake news sources and photoshopped articles with misleading information. While trying to remain updated on what's going on in the world these are a few sources I find myself using.          O ne of the first news sources I like to watch is ABC News. Growing up ABC News was a very common channel that people watched and in today's society ABC News is one of the most common news channels. Since it's one of the most common news channels ABC knows that their information has to be accurate and honest. They don't just provide important information but they also promote events that are going on and holiday events. They discuss the latest information going on in the media and even talk about small topics and issues that are raised by social media voices.  ABC News           Another news source I find reliable is BB