
EOTO Terms and concepts

 Citizen Journalism  By: Trinity Church      Citizen Journalism is journalism that is conducted by people who are not professional journalists but who spread information using Web sites, blogs, and social media. An example of those people would be the blog sites you see on Instagram, Tiktok, Snapchat, Twitter, etc. If anyone wanted to be a citizen journalist they could be. However there are some pros and cons of the job. Some pros that really stood out the most to me would have to be how it provides an active voice for the public and how it gives local communities a voice to address issues affecting their lives.  This allows any locals to voice their opinion about situations going on around them. It allows the people to give their own view of things and allows them to give their truth. I feel like at times Citizen Journalism can be more impactful than actually broadcasters. The reason I say this is because the citizens are going to give every single detail and not sugarcoat anything.

Blog #10

 EOTO #2 By: Trinity Church       One topic that stood out to me in our presentations today was Media Consolidation. Media Consolidation is the concentration of ownership of our news into the hands of fewer and fewer corporations.  In the presentation it was brought up that about 57% of Americans get their news from television, 25% from the radio and 20% from newspapers . It is stated that m any online outlets are owned or funded by the same large media corporations, as well as how businesses and politicians in our local communities are who have the greatest impact on our lives.  Samantha makes a point to note about Journalists at local broadcasters and newspapers having their priorities dictated by corporations with very little knowledge of the communities they cover. These Journalists like to cover stories that they know very little about and they aren't giving the people all the information.    In her slideshow she explains how all of it happened by explaining how The Federal Co

Blog Post #11

 Age of AI By: Trinity Church After watching the video Age of AI in class it really opened my eyes to how we use it in our everyday lives and how advanced it is. I never really thought of how advanced artificial intelligence is and can be, when you hear about the different features that come out for a phone or car in the moment you’re like wow but you never really think about it too much. Some examples of AI would be self-driving cars like a Tesla, or a big one we should all know about, Siri! I personally use Siri almost everyday, if I need to call someone I just ask her to do it for me, if I need to reply to a text I can speak into the phone and she will send it, etc. While watching the video something that really surprised me is how China uses drones to deliver packages and face recognition for people to be able to pay for things. I found this to be extremely interesting because I have never heard of this before. Depending on how advanced they take this invention, the people in Ch

Final Blog Post

My relationship with Technology By: Trinity Church I started my relationship with technology at a very young age. I have a love-hate relationship and here are some reasons as to why. Technology is one thing that can become extremely time consuming. There are times where I don't think my relationship with technology is healthy. For example I do fall into the category of comparing myself to others on social media .  One second you are casually on social media looking through your feed and you see a pretty person, you click on their page and go through it. You think nothing of it at the time but then you start wanting to look like them down to the T and before you even realize it you are obsessed with looking like someone on social media. Another thing that I don't think is healthy is how many hours I spend on different apps such as TikTok or Instagram. You say to yourself that you're taking a break from doing homework or studying to get on your phone and then the next thing y

Blog #9

 Diffusion of Innovation  By: Trinity Church    In class we discussed the Diffusion of Innovation and the steps of fully adapting to a product. Diffusion is the process through which new ideas, products, technologies, or processes are spread through communication among members of a social system via communication channels over time. You can see this happening with products like the Iphone, Ipad, Macbook, etc. Over time these products and the brand Apple have been named the number one technology company in the world. When I was growing up I received an Android and had it for a while however everyone around me had Iphones. There was nothing wrong with my Android but the Iphone was the one to beat and everyone had to have it so I thought I did too. Fast Forward to now and I have had an Iphone for many years now and I don't ever think I would switch back to an Android. I would say that I am part of the early majority because for a bit of time I didn't have an Iphone and waited. The

Blog Post #7

  Are You Ever Really Alone? By: Trinity Church  In today's society technology is one of the most important things, you don't go a day without using some sort of technology. You use your computer to research information and write emails, you use your phones to communicate and look through social media, and you use your car to get from point A to point B. It's mind blowing how much of an impact technology has on us and how much it helps us in a way. Some of the things that I failed to mention is how technology can also be watching you and keeping track of all your information...  One of the TedTalk videos that really caught my attention is  Your online life, permanent as a tattoo . I found it interesting how Juan Enriquez connects tattoos to different social media platforms. He raises the question if all of these platforms you use everyday can turn out to be electronic tattoos. I think technology has had an extreme impact on me and the people around me. One reason being that

Blog Post #5

  Hiding Secrets! By: Trinity Church   As we all know by now the  government   lies and keeps extremely important information from us. One of the things they like to keep out of the public eye is what the government is doing regarding the war as well as what they are doing regarding the connections we have with other countries. What you don't see in the mainstream media is how our government is breaking its own laws and how much debt they are in. By the end of 2021, the federal government has $23.43 trillion in federal debt. The government tries to silence the voices of the people who speak out about the war and what's really going on. The people that are speaking out about the war want us to know how much danger the government is putting our country in.                  The government only publishes what they think we should know and are keeping things that are important like the danger of our country out of the public eye. One of the reasons that people are speaking out again